A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Currently, it's in early development with some basic features. This may not really be ready to download for a few progressive updates, this game is still in early development. The prototype is about movement and mechanisms that will be found in the future and a more refined version of the game with story and character. Refer to this page for development changes. Currently, v0.2.x is under development, expect a long delay before a release, but read devlogs to stay up to date. Refer to this devlog to understand what's happening in v0.2.x

Want to see the sad code? Maybe contribute? Check out the official GitHub page here.

Want to help build on the Andrometa community? Join my official discord channel here!

After 2 years of this project being on hold, about 3 months ago I made a little commit to the GitHub and today (6/12/24), I made another little push. I will be working on the conversion to Godot 4.x. I may work a little on other features if I have time and see it viable. Most all of the features in the previous devlog are currently on hold. They will all resume once the game runs without throwing any errors and has no issues with level building, loading, saving. etc. 

What's missing..

  • A base game story / map.
  • Monster features / AI.
  • Sounds effects.
  • Graphics.

My goals?

  • I want to make a 2D top-down horror game with a monster and the player with a story / extra gamemodes and potentially map designing. (Very hard for my brain)
  • A level editor... Hehe.
  • I want to teach myself how to use the git commands, Godot and Butler for publishing games to itch.
  • I want to expand my knowledge of game development and get real feedback from a community on what needs improvement.

Why am I doing this?

  • I am a developer who wants to continue making games, but I recently swapped to Linux, I used to use unity but the unity support for Linux is bad at the moment, so I want to make 2D games for the time being in Godot. Mainly to further my knowledge of 2D and become a pro at 2D horror!
  • I'm new to Godot, this is the project I want to start learning Godot with and I'm terrible at math and failed school, although I accelerated in specific scientific subjects.
  • To reinforce my understanding of vectors and physics in 2D.

I need help!

  • If you are willing to share knowledge in game development, math, or just give ideas for the projects features / core mechanics / story. Then I would absolutely appreciate any help!!!! This is possibly a community aided project where the community is willing to help. Assets and other things are hard for me to make, so help / reference for that would be amazing, I want to learn more.
  • If you are an experienced Godot developer and want to fork or make a pull request / issue on my GitHub, it would be appreciated. I want to open my eyes to multiple different techniques and better / more secure ways to code in Godot.
  • While I am new to Godot and untrained, development may be slow, this is because it takes time to learn artistic subjects and the editor itself. Please bare with me as I learn. Once I have learned enough, you can expect development to speed up a bit.

All this can be discussed in either the Andrometa discord or the discussion board below.


Please check out Joshua McLean (https://joshua-mclean.itch.io)! Some audio and music used in this game came from their itch page. Link: https://retroindiejosh.itch.io/music-pack-6

Project name and assets will and is subject to change.


Caster - Linux Build 35 MB
Version 0.1.4 Jun 24, 2022
Caster - Windows Build - Untested 35 MB
Version 0.1.4 Jun 24, 2022

Install instructions

Linux install

If for some reason you can't start the game OOTB, it's likely a permissions issue. And in future updates I will make sure to do this before hand.

To fix it, run this command from the terminal in the same directory as the executable.

chmod +x Caster.x86_64

I recommend for every Linux user read about this command.

Windows install

You're funny... Windows doesn't have any extra steps silly, it should just open the game. If it doesn't work, contact me via my discord server.

Development log

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